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Pokémon Sun and Moon Episode 42 Alola Kanto! Takeshi and Kasumi!!

Writer's picture: KTKT

Updated: Dec 21, 2017

Published by KT

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Samson Oak informs the class that they will be having a special extracurricular activity to celebrate the Pokémon School's twentieth anniversary. It gets the attention of Ash and Mallow asks where they will be going. Professor Kukui replies that they will be heading to the Kanto region. The class gets excited with the news, except for Ash. Kiawe asks Ash if Kanto is where Ash comes from. Sophocles asks if that is where the Professor Oak's laboratory is located, which Principal Oak confirms. Professor Kukui tells them that there are special guests who they will be meeting in Kanto. Ash becomes as excited as the rest of the class. They board a plane to Kanto and Ash cannot wait to get there. Kiawe asks Sophocles how the plane flies, to which Sophocles says that riding on his Charizard is a lot scarier than being on a plane.

As they reached Kanto, they express their desires to see certain Pokémon. Lillie notices Snowy not feeling well and asks it if there is anything wrong. A man, later introduced to her as Brock, asks her if he can take a look at Snowy and that he is a Pokémon Doctor. Lillie gives the man consent. Team Rocket also arrives in Kanto and are heading to the headquarters. Jessie becomes angry and asks the reason on Matori telling them to go there. James worries if they will get a lecture from her and their boss. Meowth tries to comfort himself that if he gives Matori a donut, she might not get angry.

Brock informs Lillie that Snowy is only having motion sickness and that it will be fine after a while. Her classmates realizes that she is missing. As they look behind, Ash notices Brock and calls out to him, catching the attention of Jessie. Ash runs toward Brock, however Brock only saw the cabin attendant who walks past Ash and chases after her. As Brock flirts with her, Misty pulls his ear and away from the cabin attendant. Ash is excited to see Misty and so does Pikachu who jumps to Misty. Team Rocket sees Misty and Brock. Ash tells his classmates about the friends he used to travel with. Misty and Brock introduce themselves and that they are the Gym Leaders of the Cerulean Gym and Pewter Gym respectively. Ash's classmates also introduce themselves to Misty and Brock. Ash asks them what they are doing there which Misty replies that Professor Oak asked them to meet the class. Professor Kukui and Samson Oak interrupt their conversation and tell them to head to the laboratory immediately lest Professor Oak worries. Team Rocket overhears them and decides to head to Professor Oak's laboratory as well, to steal all the Pokémon residing there and gives them to Giovanni so that they will not get lectured.

Samuel Oak and Samson Oak is excited to meet each other and Samuel congratulates Samson on the school's twentieth anniversary. Rotom is surprised to see their identical appearances. Samson Oak introduces the class to his cousin, Professor Samuel Oak. Professor Oak begins to recite a senryū and the class is impressed. Rotom recites its own senryū, and the Oaks praise its creation. Misty and Brock are in-charge of showing the class around the laboratory's Oak Corral. The class becomes excited seeing the vastness of the corral. The class expresses their desires to meet certain Pokémon again. Lillie however, is happy to see Spearow which Mallow exclaims that Spearow are also available in Alola. As Ash tells his classmates that his Pokémon are in the Oak Corral as well, he notices his herd of Tauros. He runs towards them and all of the Tauros see him as well and runs toward him. However, due to the powerful charging of the Tauros, Ash flies into the sky when they knocked into him.

Kiawe and Rotom see a Rapidash at the edge of a cliff. Rapidash dashes forward and Kiawe sends out his Charizard to follow and race with it. They increase their speed and Kiawe realizes that Rapidash wants him to ride on it. Kiawe jumps from his Charizard and landed on Rapidash and rides on it. Mallow and her Steenee meet two Gloom and a Vileplume. Vileplume greets her and produces Poison Powder, without her realizing what those powders are. Brock and Misty warns her that it is poisonous and Mallow runs off with her Steenee. Meanwhile, Ash, Lillie, Lana and Sophocles see a Raichu. Togedemaru becomes excited seeing it and runs around in circles. It produces electricity and shocks Raichu unconscious. Sophocles apologizes to it. They later see a Ninetales in a forested area and Snowy walks toward it. The Ninetales licks Snowy's head. They then see a Dewgong jumping out of a lake. Popplio blows a bubble to the Dewgong which bounces it on its forehead. Just then, Ash realizes Rotom is not there. Rotom is travelling around the corral, taking photographs of different Pokémon.

At the back of the laboratory, Brock and Misty send out a Kantonian and Alolan Exeggutor respectively. The Kantonian Exeggutor becomes surprised with its Alolan counterpart. The class comments on the major differences between the two regional Exeggutor. They also send out both variants of Geodude and Muk. Ash's Muk is happy to see Ash. Both variants of Dugtrio are send out as well. Kiawe is startled to see the Kantonian Dugtrio not having hair and gives one of the Dugtrio's head his wig. Lastly, Brock sends out a Kantonian Marowak and Kiawe sends out his Alolan Marowak. Upon seeing their counterparts, the two Marowak begin to fight each other. Kiawe and Brock try to restrain the two Marowak. Sophocles and Lillie comment on their different typing; Alolan Marowak being Fire and Ghost types and Kantonian Marowak being Ground-type. Pikachu tries to calm the Marowak down but is instead attacked by them, sending flying into the sky. Togedemaru becomes furious and attacks the Marowak, but is chased by them. Pikachu lands on the ground and uses Thunderbolt, shocking everyone except the Kantonian Marowak. Lana and Kiawe realize their Popplio and Marowak disappeared and look for them. Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu come across a Caterpie and Misty runs a distance away from it. Ash asks her if she has not overcome her fear of Bug-type Pokémon, which Misty agrees. Afterwards, they begin to reminisce the adventures they once had. Just then, they heard a Pokémon's cry and go to find out what is making the sound. They see the Bellsprout and Oddish's evolutionary lines arguing, with Ash's Bulbasaur between them. Ash calls out to Bulbasaur and it is delighted to see Ash.

Lillie, Lana, and Mallow are climbing a slope, looking for Popplio when they hear Misty calling them. Misty suggests to look for Popplio near the lake ahead of them. At the lake, a Gyarados emerges from the water and frightens the girls, except Lana who stand firm. Lana changes to her swimsuit and jumps into the lake. Misty follows suit. At the bottom of the lake, they see Popplio hanging out with the Water types Pokémon. The boys are looking for Kiawe's Marowak in a rocky area when they are greeted with an Onix. They worry that the Onix might attack them, and Kiawe sends out his Turtonator just in case. Brock tells them to calm down in order to not anger Onix. However, Kiawe's Marowak appears and throws its bone club at Onix, angering it. They begin to run away when the Onix chases them.

The two groups meet up, however a net captures their Pokémon, which is revealed to be Team Rocket. Misty and Brock get angry at Team Rocket for still being up to their usual tactics. Ash sends out Lycanroc and commands it to use Rock Throw. Team Rocket, in their mecha, reflects the attack back to the group. Brock and Misty send out their Crobat and Staryu respectively. Together, they try to stop Team Rocket. The mecha falls apart and Team Rocket are not done yet. Jessie sends out her Mimikyu. Bulbasaur becomes frightened but looks at the sky. A plane flies past and Bewear jumps down. It takes off with Team Rocket. One of the wreckage shakes and Jigglypuffappears out of it. Mallow, Lillie and Lana are happy to see a Jigglypuff for the first time. However, Ash, Misty, and Brock recognize this Jigglypuff and are scared if it sings. Jigglypuff proceeds with singing and everyone fall asleep upon hearing it. Jigglypuff becomes angry at its audience falling asleep and uses its microphone-marker to draw on their faces. They wake up in the evening and laughs at the drawings on each other's faces. Delia appears and tells them that the welcome party is ready to start.

Back at the laboratory, they begin eating the food that Mimey prepared. Delia welcomes them to Kanto and asks Kiawe if he would like to take a look at Ash's bedroom. Rotom becomes disappointed that it is still missing photo of one Pokémon. A Mew overhears Rotom and flies away. Professor Kukui informs the class on the activity they will be doing the next day, which is to head to the Cerulean Gym for a Gym battle. The next day, they travel past the Cerulean Gym. Ash exclaims that he cannot wait for the battle.

Source: Bulbapedia



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