SG PokéSubs is searching for more members to join the FANSUBBING team. Everyone is welcomed to join!
What to expect?
1. Be prepared learn some basic Japanese*.
2. Be prepared to learn to use the Aegisub subtitling software*.
3. Teamwork, as a subtitled episode is usually done by a multiple people in a team.
4. Communication, we will be using cloud servers to send files to each other.
*It would be best if you are already proficient at these expectations
There are 2 things to do if you are interested:
1. Go to the blog section and sign up as a member.
2. Go to the contact section and enter your name, email, the reason why you want to join the FANSUBBING team and the subject "I want to join the FANSUBBING team!". We will follow up with you by responding to each of your emails.